I am trainer and consultant at AngularArchitects.io, a specialist network for Angular. I am responsible for trainings about various topics around Angular and Spring.
As a software engineer my role extends beyond actually writing code to include activities like architecture, quality assurance, infrastructure and planning.
Among the many factors contributing to a successful project, I pay particular attention to maintainability. That is, the ability over multiple years to keep an existing system current with the latest state of technology, while gradually adding features. And all this while considering costs and keeping the system stable.
After finishing my studies of Business Informatics at the University of Economics and Business in Vienna, I worked as an IT analyst for two years. I went freelance in 2007. I prefer long term projects and usually work on site within an existing team’s structure.
My long-term experience as a lead developer also includes outsourcing - specifically the acquisition and management of talent via the Upwork platform.
For my professional development I always seek opportunities to exchange with colleagues. I attend international conferences on a regular basis. You can see me at events like qCon, Velocity or devoxx. Moreover I maintain this blog, where I write about the technical topics I deal with in my professional life.